TAKE 15 - How do we take ours?

From improving productivity, to enhancing alertness and relieving stress, taking a 15-minute break throughout the working day is important to protect our wellbeing.

And there are lots of different ways that you can take a short break to reap these benefits.

Read on to find out what our Health and Wellbeing Team get up to when they TAKE 15.  

Amanda Courtney, Senior Dietitian

There are many ways that I like to TAKE 15, however one of my favourites is grabbing a coffee. Taking 15 minutes away from my usual workspace and using the time to talk about non-work-related topics really gives my mind the refresh that it needs before returning to my desk. Catching up with colleagues in this way is also great for building stronger relationships, which is hugely beneficial in the workplace. If I’m taking 15 later in the day, I’ll swap out my coffee for a herbal tea as to not impact my sleep later that night.

As we all know, sometimes the day can run away from us, and we forget to take our breaks. I find it useful to set a reminder on my phone or calendar to TAKE 15. This also helps to ensure that I commit to taking the time.  

Gina Camfield, Health and Wellbeing Manager

Taking 15 is a really important part of my day, regardless of when I take it. Sometimes I save the time for the end of the day to help me wind down.

I usually TAKE 15 by reading. Be it a book, the news, or a research article, I find that reading allows me to focus my attention on just one task without distraction. I also like that I can do this in different places; the park, a café, at home or when commuting to work.

Not only does it allow me to relax and focus, but it also offers good talking points with friends and family through conversations or through recommending good sources of reading, meaning that I’m able to provide entertainment and share the pleasure with others.

Riona Phelan, Nutrition Intern

I take my 15 by going for walks. I find walking relaxes both my body and my mind and allow me to focus on being in the moment. The digital world that we live in is demanding and instant, and we all need to learn how to step away and take some time to ourselves without the use of a screen. 

I commute to work on the bus, and the walk to and from the bus stop helps me feel refreshed and ready for the day. 

The same applies on the commute home. I really enjoy coming out of the office after a long day and getting some fresh air, especially while it is still bright outside. Even a five minute brisk walk improves my mood, makes me feel more energised and clears my head.  

The great thing about taking 15 to go for a walk is that you can do it alone or with a friend, and either way is just as enjoyable. The benefits of walking daily are endless, and I would encourage everyone to make walking a daily habit!


Warm-up and cool-down for exercise


You don’t have to be alone to be lonely