Staying active during the holidays

With Christmas and New Years right around the corner, the end of the year can be a good time to reflect on your activity levels over the past 12 months. For many at this time of year, the idea of exercise goes right out the window. But this does not have to be the case.

Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends whilst relaxing and enjoying the festivities. Nothing beats a day spent catching up, playing board games and laughing until your tummy hurts. Christmas especially is a time we love to indulge in all the wonderful meals and desserts. Is it wrong to indulge in these treats occasionally?

Whilst it's not the healthiest choice to eat everything you see just because it's Christmas, with regular exercise and a nutritious diet it's okay to indulge occasionally throughout the holiday season (1). Try not to punish yourself for wanting to enjoy this time, and instead appreciate that mince pie or warm glass of mulled wine.

We know that too much alcohol, sugar and fatty foods can leave you feeling sluggish and uncomfortable, a feeling we all know at Christmas time (2). Just 30 minutes of moving even at a low intensity can help us get rid of that nauseous full feeling.

Did you know that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily decreases the risk of stroke, heart attack and coronary heart disease, as well as improving mental health and quality of life (3).

Top tips for staying active this holiday season:

  1. Morning Christmas walk: Wrap up well with a coat, hat and scarf and embrace the fresh outdoors, good for both body and mind. Not only are you moving your body but it’s a wonderful activity for all family members.

  2. Christmas cycle: Make use of that gifted bicycle (or sift your old one out of the shed) and go for a short bike ride, wake up as you feel the crisp air hit your skin.

  3. Pump some iron while watching a Christmas movie: Why not grab your dumbbells and get the best of both worlds as you enjoy a family movie while doing an arm workout. Make this a challenge and see who can go the longest.

  4. Clean the house for your guests: You’d be surprised how quick you get your steps up when hoovering, mopping and running up and down the stairs with the duster. This one is a win-win, exercise for the day done and the house tidied.

  5. Try a Christmas dance workout: Sure to be a laugh why not get the whole family involved and find an easy Christmas themed dance workout on YouTube. 10 songs to reach your 30 minute target, doesn’t seem too difficult. Get proactive in future proofing your body and keeping your skin radiant by eating a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and staying active.

This Christmas, enjoy yourself, appreciate the festive treats, spend time with those you love, and be aware that your normal schedule will alter, and that’s ok .Try your best to get up and get moving for 30 minutes as regular exercise strengthens the heart, helps to burn fat, build lean muscle mass, boosts your mood, reduces stress and increases your energy so that you are ready to tackle what the day throws at you!

To keep yourselves ticking over during the Christmas period, give our “12 Days of Christmas" Workout a go - great to do in pairs or as a group, to really push each other!

Click here to download the workout card!

Check out this month's recipe card, a Chocolate Orange Mousse.


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